Sunday 30 October 2011

Inspirational Double page spreads

This double page spread article is very effective as it has basic colours which makes it stand out, the magazine writer highlights things with  the colour red against the black and white it stands out so this is a good way to show something important e.g. a celebrities name. The thing that would draw the reader in would be the article title as it is very large and has basic colours, the font of this sharp and large, it is also in capital letters, plus with the black boxes behind the writing at different sizes it is almost like the letters have been cut out of different magazines or newpapers. The article title is also pull quotes which would attract the readers more because it comes from the person who the double page spread is about. There is only one image which is the main image, it is large and covers more than one page of the double page spread but it is very effective becuase the red on what the main person wearing is also a highlighting the person just like how writer who highlighted the important words that readers would catch one and read because it is important to the story, so maybe what the main person in the image is wearing links in with the article not just because its about them but also becuase the whole article was meant to consist of basic colours e.g. red, white and black. The layout of the article is simple especially since the content of the text is very small and only takes up a small amount of the double page spread, but the article title and the main image take up the most of the layout of the page,  the content of the writing part of the article is just spilt into 4 columns which means there isn't much writing. This double page spread only has a short kicker which I think is better because it brings the reader into the story so I would say the shorter it is the more the reader would want to read it. I think double page spread is very effective as it uses basic colours and has a very unique article title. Also what I would take out of this double page spread to put into mine, would be a short yet effective kicker as it will make the reader want to read the rest of the story, also make sure that these colours would also link in with the image as it would be very weird if it didn't link in, it would look out of place. In conclusion I think that this double page spread would catch the readers eye with its big and unique article title,  its simple colours and the main image being across a whole one page. Plus this one doesn't just go into question its a straight forward article.

This double page spread is effective and would attract a reader because the colours are very royal. This is because when you think of gold or silver you immediatly think of jewellery or money so thats why I would say the colours are royal. So these colours would be considered important which means the story is important. The image is also very effective because it shows four people but it only highlights one by mking the others a bit more faded so the person stands out, plus going back to the colours, the main person in the image is dressed fully in gold which also shows that this person is important. This image of the people also just like the other one also carries over the other page. The layout of the double page spread is also very simple but very different to the other double page spread, just like the other one though it has a small amount of writing for the article. This double page spread also has a pull quote which is highlighted with a black box around the words/lines. Just like the other one it also has a big article title which is also in full capital letters, apart from the picture you would moostly look at the article title. Unlike the other one its kicker (itroduction to the story) is a lot larger and in my opinion a bit hard to read. The layout is different to the other one because the other double page spread goes horizontal but this one is verticle. This one also has a sharp font for the article title and the kicker but both this magazine and the other magazine have the same font for the text of the article. I think that this magazine is very effective because of its colours, the colours gives the article a tone of great importance, the story may not be that impotant but the colours show the readers that it might be important but you have read the article to decide for yourself, the image is also powerful just like the other one the image links in with the article because of the colour. I like the way that one person is highlighted and the others are faded it is a great way of catching the readers attention. The only thing that I would change about this double page spread is that you can't really see the kicker. What I take out of this double page spread would be the colours or the picture because it is a very effective way to bring in the reader. Also unlike the other one this one just goes straight to the questions when the one is a straight forwar article.

This double page spread is very effective as just like the other 2 double page spreads has a large photo which cover one page and a little over the other one. It also uses basic colours but unlike the other 2 has more colours although how basic they are. The main colours (red, white and black) is also so like double page spread one which this means that these colours are very popular wtih music mgazines and maybe other magazine double page spreads. The content of the text about the same as the others as it looks it is a bigger font size, the font itself is different to the others because the others are sharp and bold this one is more curved and includes a drop cap which the other double page spreads do not include. The layout of the double page spread is similar to the first one but the columns are in two and not in fours, which means it looks it has less more writing but they are similar because it is just of half. The image is also in the same place and the tet is in the same place, also the article title just the other one carries onto the other page. The kicker is a lot larger though, not as much as the second one so I would say that this one has just amount of text for the kicker. This one also has a highlighting device but this one has it for highlighting the words that is not in the article or is about the article like the two. This mght mean that the double page spread is a specific part in the magazine. The image also relates to the article because of what the person is wearing not as much as the other two but it does because the person is wearing black and silver and black is a main colour in the article. This one does not include pull qutes like the other two but like the second double page spread the article includes questions and is not a straight forward article about the person the artilce is about. I think that this double page is effective because just like the first double page spread includes basic colours  andd is very similar to the first one. The thing that I will take out this double page spread is the layout becuase this is what I think is the most effective about this double spread it is very simple and you see this one in magazines then the other two.

This double page spread is effective because the colours are so simple this is what makes it effective. Just like the other 3 double page spreads the image carries onto the other page and covers one page but this one only links in with the second one because the article title does not carry over to the other page. The article title is not like the other ones because it is not all in capital letters. I additition the font type, the only way to describe it is mostly straight but some bits are highlighted with italic writing and with a different colours this might mean it is important to article e.g. the persons name is in a blue. Like the first one the kicker is very small,even smaller then the first one. Like the first 2 this one has pull quotes but is smaller then the other 2. The layout is similar to the first and the third double page spread becuase the image and the title is in the same place. But is more similar to the third one because the text content is in the same layout (2 columns). It also is like the third one because it has drop caps which highlights sentences. Like the first one it is just a straight forword article because it includes no questions. But in my opinion this one has more of a text content. The colours a s said before a very straight forward, you would normailly see this thing not in a music magazine but in a celebrity or lifestyle magazine. What I would take from this maga zine is that the layout, because it seems very popular with music magazines.

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