Sunday 30 October 2011

Flat plan for music magazine double page spread

Flat plan for music magazine double page spread


On my double page spread the image will be a middle close up so you can see the chest upwards, the image will cover one page with the article title over the image, when doing some research on double page spreads it seemed that the image and what people were wearing in the image had to link in with whole article, so the colours in the image also needed to be the same as the colours of the article e.g. the text. The kicker will introduce the story so will go at the top because most music magazines have it above the story. The content of the text will be in two columns because in my opinion I find it easier to reaad it that way. Another image will go under one of the columns to show it is part of the story. In the story I will not jut start with questions I will do a introduction type of thing first then go into question, I will also include pull quotes because are also very popular with music magazines and gets readers intrested when its what the people are saying. The colours I may use are gold, silver, black and white, I think that colours are nice colours plus it links in with the colours on my front cover, I will use gold and silver as a highlighting device for important parts of the article e.g.pull quotes. I will use a sharp sort of font this in my opinion catches the readers eye more just for the title and kicker, for the rest of the text I will use an easy to read font, the article title will also be in capital letters to make it more bold, to begin the story I will use a drop

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