Friday 30 September 2011


Media Studies
For my task I needed to choose between a magazine and a short film, I chose a magazine because I have never used film editing equipment or ever filmed anything before but I have done a magazine a few times. For this magazine I need to make it music orientated, I also need to include original images took by me or photos that I have took in the past instead of taking the pictures off the Internet because that would be copyright. In this magazine I need to have a Front cover with the main image being a medium close up of a person, I also need other images of people. Thinking of the age group which is teenagers to young adults the images must be modern. Before I create the magazine I need to create a mood board of what to include, also a flat plan of the front cover to see the design I would like to do (colours, text, images, sell lines and sub heads). And take three orignal images, I will have to take more during the course.

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