Wednesday 11 April 2012

Evaluation Question 2

Although the images are from different parts of a magazine, they have similarities. A similarity with these images is that the body language from both people, they are both on a bit of a slant away from the camera. The smile of both people is quite similar too. They both have a slight smile at the corner of the mouth. The gesture of the 2 people is also similar, they both seem to be acting casual, the clothes are also very casual, nothing big and bright like other magazines. Although this may sound boring, it does stand out from the bright colours on the magazine. Another similarity between both of the photos is that both the make up and hair are natural,  many people like natural it gives out a good message to people.
There are some differences with these images as well, the lighting is different but also a bit similar, the light on both images seems to be more on the face th

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